Skincare Ingredients To Treat Acne

Skincare ingredients to treat acne By Shannon Feetham
Top 5 Skincare Ingredients for Acne

Top 5 Skincare Ingredients to Treat Acne

I have struggled with acne to one degree or another for around a decade now. Over time, I grew tired and frustrated of being constantly referred from one professional to another. No one seemed to offer solid advice beyond issuing an antibiotic prescription. For years my skincare regimen consisted of the same predictable prescription tablets and antibacterial face scrub (since banned by the FDA). It wasn’t until I took matters into my own hands, out of desperation and frustration, that I began to see improvements in my skin. It was a painful process but in my own research, I found skincare ingredients to treat acne, and not just cover it up.

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Skincare Products You Should Only Use At Night

Skincare to only use at night by Shannon Feetham

Skincare Products You Should Be Using Exclusively At Night

Do you ever feel a little overwhelmed by all the skincare choices out there? The ever-growing skincare market can be disorienting. Perhaps you’d like to use something other than just face wash and moisturiser, or are thinking about adopting a more intricate skincare routine. But you are not sure where to start. Suddenly there are day creams, night creams, eye creams, serums, skin lighteners, SPF’s, toners, exfoliants. And how are you supposed to know which skincare to only use at night versus during the day? In this post I will be giving you a definitive guide to the skincare to only use at night versus any other time. 

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How to Get Rid of Blackheads: 10 Foolproof Ways

How to get rid of blackheads by Shannon Feetham

How to Get Rid of Blackheads: 10 Foolproof Ways

Although blackheads are stereotypically associated with hormonal teenagers, most people will experience the occasional blackhead. Small or large, we all have pores. Even if your skin is blemish-free most of the time, you likely have experienced a blackhead before. While I have struggled with acne, I have luckily not had a severe issue with blackheads or enlarged pores. I do believe that this is largely due to the ingredients I incorporate in my routine. In this blog post, I will be explaining how to get rid of blackheads for good.

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Glycolic Acid Benefits: Achieve Younger, Glowing Skin

Glycolic Acid Benefits by Shannon Feetham

Glycolic Acid Benefits

If you take even a remote interest in skincare, it is likely you have heard of glycolic acid. I have mentioned glycolic acid briefly in previous posts and have even recommended a number of glycolic acid products. In my last post about how to transition your skincare into Fall, I encouraged you to start looking at more chemical exfoliants. But I have not yet done a dedicated post on glycolic acid benefits. Hence, I decided to make one today. This post will be touching upon glycolic acid benefits, uses and what exactly glycolic acid is in skincare.

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Kiehl’s SPF Review: Best Facial Sunscreen?

Kiehl's SPF Review By Shannon Feetham

Kiehl’s SPF Review

On a recent trip to Spain the other week, I found that I had run out of sunscreen. Let me tell you, the Sun was intense and merciless. On my quest to find a new sunscreen, I stumbled upon a Kiehl’s counter at a local department store. Kiehl’s is a brand I have frequently seen but have not tried an extensive number of products from. As I was browsing, it came to my attention that the brand carries a number of sunscreens in their range. And they all seemed rather promising. I am constantly on the hunt for the best facial sunscreens. This post is a Kiehl’s SPF Review for their Ultra Light Daily UV Defense sunscreen.

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Fall Skin Care: How to Prepare Your Skin for Autumn

Fall Skin Care

Fall Skin Care

September marks the beginning of the Autumn (or Fall) season. Days gradually become shorter, weather begins to cool down, and everyone is slowly immersed back into full work mode. Like any sudden change, the change of season can bring new challenges to your skin. You want to help your skin along as it begins to acclimate to new temperatures and conditions. Rather than waiting for the thick of cold and winter before you adapt your skincare regimen, you can gradually ease into Fall skin care. There are a few tweaks you can make to ensure you have a seamless transition into your Fall skin care plan of action.

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Natural Retinol Alternative Bakuchiol Works Miracles

Natural Retinol Alternative Bakuchiol By Shannon Feetham

Natural Retinol Alternative Bakuchiol for Skin

In my previous article all about Rosehip Oil Skin Benefits, I touched upon the vitamin A content of rosehip oil. I acknowledged that, although some natural skincare enthusiasts claim rosehip oil to be somewhat of a natural alternative to retinol (a form of vitamin A), this is simply not the case. Retinol is extremely efficacious and extremely potent. So much so, that percentages of the ingredient must be clearly labelled. Many retinoids are so strong that they are only available via medical prescription. Certain individuals do worry about retinol toxicity because of this and search for more natural alternatives. This article is all about the natural retinol alternative bakuchiol.

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Sephora VIB Sale Skincare Recommendations

Sephora VIB Sale 2018 Skincare By Shannon Feetham

Sephora VIB Sale Skincare Recommendations

It is the time of year where Sephora is having their Beauty Insider Appreciation event. I like to take advantage of sales like this to stock up on some of my favourite skincare items. I also like to take the opportunity to possibly try out higher priced products that I would not necessarily feel so comfortable purchasing at full price. In this post I will be giving some of my Sephora VIB Sale Skincare Recommendations. Beauty Insiders will be able to get 10% off their purchase as of August 30th. As of a few days ago, Rouge members have been able to get 20% off. While this post may be a little late for VIB Rouge members, there is still time for everyone to make a few more purchases before the sale ends on the 4thSeptember. 

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New Skincare Routine? 9 Things You Must Consider.

How to Start A New Skincare Routine By Shannon Feetham

9 Things To Consider Before You Start A New Skincare Routine

With the abundance of new products streaming into the market on a daily basis, it is easy to be enticed by all the latest and greatest. I know that my overwhelming curiosity with new skincare certainly has compelled me to make a number of purchases in the past. Unfortunately, constantly switching up your products can lead you to lose track of what is and what is not working. While it might be tempting to entirely replicate someone else’s routine based on how their skin looks, I would not necessarily advise it. I always advocate for tailoring your routine to your own personal needs. And even gauging based on how your skin feels on any given day. In this post I give you a guideline on all the things you should consider before you start a new skincare routine.

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Vitamin C Skin Care Benefits: Brighter, Firmer Skin

Vitamin C Skin Benefits By Shannon Feetham

Vitamin C Skin Care Benefits

We have known about the benefits of vitamin C since its discovery in the 1930’s. Vitamin C really hit the big time when it was discovered that its presence in citrus fruits could prevent sailors from getting scurvy. As a child it may have seemed like your mother would preach vitamin C as a cure for everything from the common cold to a sprained ankle. And today, supplement companies are not the only ones utilising vitamin C. Many skincare brands are popping out their vitamin C products and serums like it’s a brand new innovation. The ingredient is becoming more mainstream with increasing demand. So, should you be using it? And what vitamin C skin care benefits are there?

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