Self-Care Practices to Make You Feel Unstoppable

Self-care practices by Shannon Feetham

Simple Self-Care Practices to Make You Feel Unstoppable

As of late I have felt myself loosening the reigns on my self-care practices. And I must admit, the effects are tangible. I have not been properly fostering my mental wellbeing or prioritising self-care practices. It does take a physical and emotional toll. Over the past year, as I have been diving more and more into self-development practices, I have become very aware  of when something is out of balance. I can tell when I am not in alignment. When I have not been making self-care and my mental state a priority, I feel it manifest as physical symptoms.

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Natural Retinol Alternative Bakuchiol Works Miracles

Natural Retinol Alternative Bakuchiol By Shannon Feetham

Natural Retinol Alternative Bakuchiol for Skin

In my previous article all about Rosehip Oil Skin Benefits, I touched upon the vitamin A content of rosehip oil. I acknowledged that, although some natural skincare enthusiasts claim rosehip oil to be somewhat of a natural alternative to retinol (a form of vitamin A), this is simply not the case. Retinol is extremely efficacious and extremely potent. So much so, that percentages of the ingredient must be clearly labelled. Many retinoids are so strong that they are only available via medical prescription. Certain individuals do worry about retinol toxicity because of this and search for more natural alternatives. This article is all about the natural retinol alternative bakuchiol.

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Mindset Series: Let’s Talk Inner Beauty

Inner Beauty Minset Series by Shannon Feetham

The Inner Beauty & Mindset Series

I have emphasised from the beginning it is my belief that Beauty and Wellness are not one dimensional. And so, my approach to them reflects this belief. Beauty is not limited to what is merely seen on the surface. A heart and soul full of pure intention will radiate beauty far more than a face plastered in expensive makeup and products. I have spoken about the power of individuality and looking beyond just the products you put on your face. To me, Beauty and Wellness include the state of your being and the person you are. For this reason, I am introducing a Mindset series to my blog.

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