Silk Pillowcase Benefits: My Ultimate Beauty Staple

Silk pillowcase benefits for hair and skin

Silk Pillowcase for the Ultimate Beauty Sleep

It is likely you will spend much of your life with your face in a pillow. Hours of cumulative smushing of your skin into a pillowcase can over time etch in permanent lines and wrinkles. We tend to be gentle and cautious with our faces during the waking hours, yet during the sleeping hours we may be causing more damage than we are aware. To skincare addicts like me, women who want to preserve their beauty, or simply people who enjoy their sleep time, a silk pillowcase is the ultimate beauty staple. In this blog post I will tell you all about the silk pillowcase benefits and why it will be your new beauty staple too.

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Avocado Oil: Liquid Gold for Skin and Health

Avocado Oil: Liquid Gold for the Body

There are certain oils that receive a great deal of recognition. Coconut oil for instance has, quite deservedly, risen in prominence over the years for its health benefits and many uses. There is however, one oil I feel is a little underrated and many people have not capitalised on yet, but is equally multi-functional. I’ll give you a hint: it seems like you see the food source plastered all over your Instagram feed by every trendy blogger out there. Everyone from yogis to vegans and even keto followers seem to be able to agree on one thing for once; that is, they swear by this food.

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