Avocado Oil: Liquid Gold for Skin and Health

Avocado Oil: Liquid Gold for the Body

There are certain oils that receive a great deal of recognition. Coconut oil for instance has, quite deservedly, risen in prominence over the years for its health benefits and many uses. There is however, one oil I feel is a little underrated and many people have not capitalised on yet, but is equally multi-functional. I’ll give you a hint: it seems like you see the food source plastered all over your Instagram feed by every trendy blogger out there. Everyone from yogis to vegans and even keto followers seem to be able to agree on one thing for once; that is, they swear by this food.

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Sun Damage: The Effects of UV Radiation On Skin

Sun Damage and Skin Care By Shannon Feetham

How does the Sun damage your skin?

You might have heard by now the importance of sun protection for your skin in the prevention of sun damage and skin cancers. Despite this, many of us do not always make sun protection a priority. As someone born and raised in the Mediterranean, I am accustomed to sunny weather. I do not burn easily and am not aware of the Sun’s immediate effects. It is therefore not natural behaviour for me to be pedantic about sun protection. After all, can it really be that damaging?

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Antioxidants and Their Important Role In Skin Care

Beauty of Skin Care Antioxidants By Shannon Feetham

The Beauty of Antioxidants For Skin

Antioxidants. Even if you are not remotely interested in science or health, you likely have heard the term ‘antioxidant’ thrown around before. Perhaps the first thing that springs to mind is a bowl of blueberries, or even dark chocolate. Both of these foods are often touted for their antioxidant benefits. But what are antioxidants exactly and what do they do for us?

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Hyaluronic Acid: The Complete Skin Guide

Hyaluronic Acid Skin Benefits by Shannon Feetham

Hyaluronic acid in the body

Hyaluronic acid has become a big beauty buzzword over the years. Marketers seem to have capitalised on the ingredient to no end, with the molecule being endorsed in every product from moisturisers to foundations to lipstick. With the constant reiteration of a term we may know so much as it is somehow beneficial and improves the look of skin. However, beyond simply being told that I should use an ingredient, I do like to look deeper into the science behind it so that I can make my own informed choice. So for those who, like me, hunger for even more information, here is everything you need to know about hyaluronic acid in skin care. 

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